The Portnoy Brothers, who released their debut album Learn To Love this past September, sang a Hannah Senesh song for Yom Hashoah on Facebook Live.
From the Band:
We do not usually post music here in Hebrew but today is different.
Today we remember the memories of an unquantifiable number of souls who were persecuted in horrific ways.
Today we remember their hopes.
This songs' lyrics were penned by Hannah Senesh; a young poet and heroine whose final fate was execution by the nazis.
Today we remember the past and we also remember the hope we have for a future where love and light will be prevailingly present.
Although nearly all of The Portnoy Brothers songs are in English, this isn't their first Hebrew song; in the past, they've covered Yaakov Shwekey's Boee Basholom among others, and even released their own original Hebrew song: Kol Haolam (their debut single in fact) which you can download free here:
They also recently released three new live studio singles.
watch below:
Some interesting context: The live covers (the ones on YouTube, at least) are part of the Indiegogo campaign the band used to fund their debut album; one of the rewards offered to contributors was a personalized cover song of their choice, so now they're settling up. Besides the ones above, they also did a cover of "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man early last month ( The Indiegogo page says eight people claimed that particular prize, so keep an eye out for at least four more.