EDM used to be a style that wasn't that common in the Jewish world (or at least for anyone who wasn't a Na-Nach). But after Lipa and Matt Dubb released their all-EDM album "B Positive", more and more frum artists have warmed up to the idea of Jewish EDM. Thus, mainstream Jewish artist Mendy J and Yeshiva Boys Choir producer Yossi Newman have teamed up for the latest Jewish EDM single - Hamelech Hakadosh. Although in itself the track isn't exactly innovative for EDM, the very fact that it's Jewish, EDM, and by a mainstream Jewish artist makes it a trendsetter.
Mendy J has previously released three singles: Harabi (a cover of a Yuval Taieb song that featured a fake Trump), Habeit Reimagined ft Channaya Begun (a technoed-up version of the famed Abie Rotenberg classic), and Sim Shalom, a funky Orthodox techno-hit that still is considered on the edgier side of Jewish music.
Listen to the single below. It is unknown when the song will be available for download.
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