Elliot Dvorin and the Key Tov Orchestra release New Single and also a Music Video - but not for the same song

The latest style these days by frum weddings seems to be finding a good oldie and rocking it up with electric guitars and techno music to sound contemporary. But Elliot Dvorin and the Key Tov Orchestra just released a  brand new single that does exactly the opposite - it takes contemporary versions of songs about Jerusalem and retroes them to make it sound just like you're by a 'Hava Nagila'-style Jewish wedding in the '60s. There are very few Jewish wedding bands that still have the classic Americana Jewish wedding sound (read: trumpets) and as far as I'm aware, The Key Tov Orchestra is the only frum (albeit Modern Orthodox) one. (As an aside, they're probably also the only frum band with a female musician.)
The single's title, "Jerusalem Song Mashup", is quite self-descriptive, and is also the band's first new single since the band's debut album World-Class Jewish Music, which featured famous Jewish songs and parodies of non-Jewish songs in the same style, such as "Hashem Melech" and "Sason V'simcha". The band's leader, Elliot Dvorin, was a founding member of the (truly excellent IMHO) A Capella group/barbershop quartet Kol Ish that released their only album Before Eve in 2008 and that gained notoriety for the controversial music video/single "Just Had Chometz" in 2011.
The band also just released yesterday a music video for one of their older songs, "Israel Songs for Peace Mashup", from their debut album. (These guys really like mashups . I don't know why.)
Watch Below: (Tznius Warning)
