Gedalya Sloshay announces Jewish open mic

Gedalya Sloshay, the acclaimed Jewish pianist and lyricist who recently released his debut album With Help From Heaven, announced that he's working on making a Jewish open mic.
From Gedalya: For more info or to come, contact Gedalya at

Hello all of my dear friends and family members,

I realize that most of you do not live in Brooklyn, (I also don't) but I wanted to inform everyone about BE"H a new undertaking of mine. 

I have an idea to begin a series of open mic's in Flatbush, where there is a shul with a social hall that has been made available to me, as a kindness from the Rabbi of the shul. 

It will be an open mic for men, but women are welcome to come and watch. Maybe a women that attends would at some point want to arrange one for women? (Men however would not be allowed to come and watch)

The idea is to have a creative environment that allows us all to share (Music, Poetry or stories) as well as to promote ourselves and our songs.

For more info or to come, contact Gedalya at

In other news: Gedalya's album is now on Spotify:
